How to Get Manager Buy-in for Driver Record Monitoring

Are you ready to implement a driver record monitoring program? We want to help you get a “green light” from management. Focus your conversations on these three topics.

1. Share How This Will Positively Impact Them

There is a reason (or reasons) you were prompted to investigate Driver Record Monitoring. Share your concerns with your management. They want to know how this change will positively affect your day-to-day and give you more time to devote back to the business. Tell them how this will close the gaps between MVR reports and streamline the driver record review.

Remind your team that everyone may start out with a clean driving record, but something may change a month or two from now. Many times drivers do not even know that their license status has changed, so of course they won’t report it. This is because there are SO many violations, from simple administrative actions to severe driving infractions that affect license status.

2. Risk Mitigation

Management wants to know how monitoring driving records will mitigate risk.

Ask: What if a driver was operating a company car with a suspended license and no one knew about it?

The problem occurs if there’s an accident involved. U.S. collision insurance claims remain at the highest levels of the past 10 years and have steadily increased over the past five years.  When an employee has an accident that includes damage to both a person and a vehicle, their annual insurance rates typically increase by about 33 percent. Accidents without any injuries increase insurance annual rates by about 23 percent. That means that an accident could increase an employee’s average auto insurance costs by $350- $515 a year.

The costs go up when driver negligence is involved.

3. Company Reputation

Companies that implement a driver record monitoring program typically find that it also protects their reputation in the event of a liability case.

Going an extra step beyond what is required in the name of safety will portray your company in a positive light. Additionally, embarking on this journey will encourage drivers to be more mindful of their actions (knowing that their license is being monitored).

Implemeting MVR Monitoring

Finally, nobody wants an employee driving a company car with an invalid license. Not only is it illegal, but it is also a risk to public safety and can negatively affect PR.

We hope these provide good conversation starters. For further help, please get in touch with us! We’d love to chat with you and provide customized support.

*We are not lawyers. Consult with your legal counsel to ensure your processes and procedures meet/ or exceed safety standards and compliance regulations. Please read our legal disclaimer.

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